Presentations by C. Robert Reiss, PhD, PE
Matches: 11
Seawater Reverse Osmosis Designs and Costs to Meet Water Quality Specifications
This paper presents the results of the analysis of alternative membrane plant design approaches to meeting three water quality specifications. This document provides meaningful guidance regarding the differences in design alternatives and costs to meet differing water quality goals. It also provides updated feasibility level cost estimates for two ...
Florida Perspectives on Surface Water Discharge
Presentation of the use of surface water discharges as a means of disposing of membrane water treatment concentrate in Florida. Data is presented that verifies that surface water discharges are a leading alternative in Florida. The economic benefits are noted as well as current permitting procedures to establish regulatory acceptance....
SWRO Pretreatment Considerations for Mixed Seawater-Surface Water Sources
An account is provided of performance testing conducted to evaluate media filtration and ultrafiltration pretreatment for seawater systems with mixed source waters. Media filtration was found to be effective in limited applications and source water dependent. Ultrafiltration determined to present various operational issues but did provide added p...
Seawater Desalting in Florida & Texas
This presentation discusses drivers for desalination in Florid and Texas. The Tampa Bay 1 seawater plant is covered as well as overviews of each desalination effort around the state. A shift to Texas desalination covers the political willingness to move towards desalination and the initial proposed facility. Texas and Florida observations are also ...
Overview on Seawater Project in the U.S.
The Bureau of Reclamation has released (November, 2005) sixteen projects and dedicated millions of dollars to national desalination research investigating issues such as slant well technology, electrocoagulation pretreatment, zero-liquid discharge and wind powered desalination. This paper provides background on initiatives such as Water 2025 and Pr...
Pretreatment & Design Considerations for Large Scale Seawater Facilities
Planning and implementing a seawater desalination plant is a complex process and requires action in many areas such as technical feasibility, design, funding, environmental considerations, public involvement, permitting and others. Pre-treatment of a seawater facility is one of the most important technical aspects of a seawater project. Selection...
RO Master Planning for New Providence, Bahamas .,
This powerpoint addresses water supply planning in the Bahamas and the use of reverse osmosis membrane technology, as part of a potable water franchise, to treat either brackish surface or groundwater or seawater....
The City of Clearwater's 6.25 mgd RO WTP #2 (5.0 mgd AADF) - The Water Supply Planning Process and What We are Building
Clearwater, Florida Brackish Groundwater Addition using RO Technology...
Membrane Treatment Facilities: Past, Present, and Future
This presentation provides a historical perspctive on membrane devlopment, a present view of the state of the membrane installed base in the USA at time of presentation, and thoughts on what future membrane technologies may be tasked with accomplishing....
Replacing 8.5-inch Diameter Membranes to Save Energy - The City of Vero Beach RO WTF
The City of Vero Beach and Reiss Engineering replaced 10-year old 8.5 inch diameter membranes in an existing 2 MGD reverse osmosis skid with more efficient modern elements in order to save energy while maintaining the same rejection performance. This article presents the steps taken to evaluate and select a replacement membrane and the associated b...
Overview of Concentrate Management
This presentation covers the basics of Concentrate Management including the systems producing concentrate, the general range of concentrate quality by source water, and the primary concentrate management options available to utilities today....