Presentations by Carlyn Higgins
Matches: 3
Low Dosage Scale Inhibitor Addition for RO and NF Applications
Jupiter Water Utilities (Town) owns and operates a 30 million gallon per day (MGD) drinking water treatment facility comprising of nanofiltration (NF), reverse osmosis (RO), and anion exchange (AX). The Town also owns pilot-scale NF and RO units that are utilized for pretreatment optimization, membrane selection, contaminant of emerging concern rej...
Getting Back to the Basics of Cleaning - Rules of Thumb
Membrane cleaning has changed both quantitatively and qualitatively in the past 40 years but there are basic steps that should be followed. Cleaning time, temperature, hydrodynamic conditions, and concentration of cleaning agents all affect membrane-cleaning efficiency, Cleaning membranes can be costly and ineffective cleaning more so. Most membr...