Presentations by Christopher Milligan, PE
Matches: 2
An Evaluation of MBR Technology to Meet Stringent Phosphorous Limits
The Scenic Illinois River is currently experiencing high levels of phosphorous that promote eutrophication and impair overall water quality. Recently, the States of Oklahoma and Arkansas have entered into an agreement, Statement of Joint Principles and Actions, to reduce nutrient loadings in the Illinois River Basin. This agreement includes setting...
Redefining Maximum Achievable Mixed Liquor Suspended Solids Concentrations in Membrane Bioreactors: Introducing Dissolved Oxygen in Membrane Bioreactors by Means of an Innovative Delivery Technology
The oxygen transfer efficiency in the aeration process plays a large role in determining the size and footprint of MBR equipment. Higher concentrations of MLSS tend to restrict the oxygen transfer process when using a conventional fine or coarse bubble process. The Supersaturated Dissolved Oxygen Injection System (SDOX) significantly increases oxyg...