Presentations by Curtis Gauthier
Matches: 2
Sustainable Ocean Intake and Pumping Facility for the Carlsbad Desalination Plant
The Carlsbad Desalination Plant (CDP), a 50 MGD seawater desalination plant, was originally co-located with NRG’s Encina Power Station (EPS) and the feedwater was withdrawn from the EPS thermal effluent discharge tunnel. The EPS terminated operations in late 2018, which required the construction of a new feedwater intake and brine dilution discha...
Sustainable Ocean Intake and Pumping Facility for the Carlsbad Desalination Plant
The Carlsbad Desalination Plant (CDP), a 50 MGD seawater desalination plant, was originally co-located with NRG’s Encina Power Station (EPS) and the feedwater was withdrawn from the EPS thermal effluent discharge tunnel. The EPS terminated operations in late 2018, which required the construction of a new feedwater intake and brine dilution discha...