Presentations by Dan Hugaboom, PE
Matches: 26
Integrity Testing for Membrane Filtration Systems
Testing standards for membrane treatment efficacy are defined and reviewed through test results. Steps to gain greater technology acceptance throgh integrity verification are suggested....
DOC Removal with In-Line Addition of MIEX and Membrane Filtration
This presentation discusses a pilot-study evaluation at the Marden Water Treatment Plant in Boise, ID of an ion exchange resin dosed in line with a pressure driven ultrafiltration membrane in the context of NOM removal, membrane flux and fouling....
An Evaluation of MF/UF Membrane Integrity Monitoring Strategies as Proposed in LT2
This manuscript presents the results of two pilot studies used to evaluate the minimum monitoring proposed under the 2003 draft version of LT2ESWTR. It also describes the role of alternate indirect methods in maintaining system performance and protection of public health....
The Theory and Calculation of Resolution and Sensitivity for Marker Based Testing
This presentation provides the critical operational variables identified in the US EPA Membrane Filtration Guidance Manual, and described how these variables are used in calculating a log removal value (LRV) through a low pressure membrane system. This will provide operators with an understanding of how operating variables (flow, transmembrane pres...
Maximizing Site Production at the Hemet Membrane Filtration Plant
The plant is the first 98% recovery membrane filtration plant to receive the maximum 4-log disinfection credit for cryptosporidium...
MF/UF Integrity Testing
Integrity testing for Microfiltration (MF) and Ultrafiltration (UF) membranes and reasons for conducting test. Direct and indirect testing techniques and how to interpret results. Designing to avoid membrane integrity failures and factors that impact integrity loss....
MBR/MF/UF Membrane Basics & Terminology
this presentation introduces the listener to the basic description of membrane filtration and membrane bioreactor theory and practice. Equations are provided, together with simplified process flow diagrams. The difference between outside in and inside out water flowpath is explained....
MF/UF Membrane Replacement
This presentation discusses indicators for microfiltration (MF) and ultrafiltration (UF) membrane module replacement, presents replacement case studies, provides a summary of lessons learned, and highlights recent developments in system design that allow for increased flexibility during module replacement. The three case studies include a discussio...
UF Membrane Module Interchangeability at the Oden Water Association WTP
Three original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) were invited to OWA?s filtration plant to attend a walk through and to provide proposals. Each OEM had agreements with membrane module suppliers providing modules of similar dimension, membrane surface area, backwash and cleaning strategies, and chemical compatibility....
Low Chemical Usage in Membrane Operations
The Oden Water Association installed an open platform style microfiltration treatment system to allow competitive bidding of replacement ultrafiltration membranes. The open platform style allows flexibility in operation in backwashing, and a custom configuration of plant support facilities....
Chemical Treatment of MF/UF Residuals to Achieve Near Zero Liquid Discharge
Recovery of wastewater from the low pH clean in place of a UF/MF membrane plant can increase plant operating cost. By adding phosphoric acid and calcium to the wastewater calcium phosphate is formed and precipitated The decanted water can then be sent to the head of the plant, reducing the volume of CIP waste to be treated by 75%. This savings redu...
Design and Procurement of a 12 MGD Open Platform UF Membrane System
Replacement of media filters with an open platform UF system. Discusses specification preparation, procurement details and interchangability of UF modules for future replacements....
Considerations for the Design of Membrane Filtration Chemical Cleaning Systems
Minimizing the irreversible fouling of low pressure membranes requires cleaning regimes that typically consist of three different types of membrane cleans: Chemically Enhanced Backwash (CEB), Maintenance Cleans (MC), and ? Recovery Cleans (RC). This paper details three case studies on CIP system design and pilot study work to evaluate fouling and...
Phasing and Pretreatment Considerations for Clifton Water District?s Media Filter to Membrane Filter Conversion
In 2015 the Clifton Water District completed a project to convert the its 34 year old, shallow bed media filters at its drinking water treatment plant to a more robust and reliable membrane filtration system. The conversion took place without interrupting water service to its customers over the 10 month period between ground breaking and the membra...
Phasing and Pretreatment Considerations for Clifton Water District's Media Filter to Membrane Filter Conversion
This paper discusses the phasing and pretreatment considerations for the Clifton Water District (CWD) project to convert the 12 MGD of granular media filters at its drinking water treatment plant to a membrane filtration system. The conversion took place over the 10 month period between ground breaking and the membrane system was put into service....
How Do I Select the Right Polymeric MF/UF for Your Application
The field of commercially available membrane products is vast and expanding. In the early 2000's the majority of the market share was held by 3 to 4 suppliers each offering a single product. Driven by demand to meet more challenging applications, these suppliers expanded their offerings to new membrane polymers and hydraulic configurations. Today,...
How Do I Select the Right Polymeric MF/UF for Your Application?
The field of commercially available membrane products is vast and expanding. In the early 2000's the majority of the market share was held by 3 to 4 suppliers each offering a single product. Driven by demand to meet more challenging applications, these suppliers expanded their offerings to new membrane polymers and hydraulic configurations. Today,...
IRWD and its Partners Improve Water Supply Reliability in South Orange County (CA) by Completing its 28-MGD Baker WTP
Construction of the 28 million gallon per day (mgd) Baker Water Treatment Plant (BWTP) will be completed in October 2016, allowing the Irvine Ranch Water District and its five partner agencies El Toro Water District (ETWD), Moulton Niguel (MNWD), San Margarita (SMWD), Trabuco Canyon Water District (TCWD), and Metropolitan Water District of Orange C...
Evaluating the Impact of Pasteurization Pretreatment on Membrane Performance at the Venturawaterpure DPR Pilot Facility
The City of Ventura, CA has taken a proactive approach to further advancing potable reuse as an alternative water supply, with the VenturaWaterPure Demonstration Facility serving as a critical component for demonstrating technical and regulatory feasibility and public acceptance. The demonstration facility included pasteurization, ultrafiltration (...
MF/UF Design & Operations
The presentations will highlight key design concepts for MF/UF systems as well as considerations for intergating MF/UF systems into a water treatmentprocess train. The presentation will introduce the audience to flux selection, rack sizing, flow control concepts, CIP system design, and residuals handling considerations....
Choosing the Right Membranes for Future Water Treatment Challenges
The field of commercially available membrane products is vast and expanding. In the early 2000's the majority of the market share was held by 3 to 4 suppliers each offering a single product. Driven by demand to meet more challenging applications, these suppliers expanded their offerings to new membrane polymers and hydraulic configurations. Today,...
Design Completion and Update on the Largest Ultrafiltration Retrofit in Florida for Lake Manatee WTP
This abstract will give an update on design and procurement of Florida's largest low-pressure membrane facility: i.e., 54-mgd ultrafiltration (UF) retrofit at Lake Manatee Water Treatment Plant in Manatee County. This project also reflects the largest planned UF retrofit in the US. The project includes refinements of existing pretreatment system, a...
Responding to Unexpected Issues at the Startup of Baker WTP
This abstract details the activities, problems and solutions encountered during the start up of a 28-mgd base loaded MF facility. This paper will detail the issues that were found and how to best deal with them. We also had an issue with membrane plugging on all 14 racks. This required enhanced CIPs and module isolation to restore permeability. Thi...
How Membranes are Used in Wastewater Treatment
Membranes are used in wastewater treatment for a number of purposes including meeting stringent discharge water quality standards, tertiary filtratration for non-potable reuse and nutrient removal and for potable reuse applications. Drivers for membrane use and the membrane technologies used to treat water for these applications will be covered in ...
City of Boise's Deep Dive into Membrane Technology
The City of Boise is conducting a pilot study of hollow fiber MF/UF membrane technologies at its West Boise Water Renewal Facility (WBWRF). The pilot study is investigating removal of phosphorus by coagulation and membrane filtration. The work is being done to support planning for plant improvements requried to comply with reduced phosphoruis disc...
MF/UF System Design
An overview of membrane system design concepts and methods, supported by experience with real-world projects....