Presentations by Don DeMichele, PE
Matches: 3
Implementing Energy Recovery Technology at the North Lee County RO WTP
This paper presents the following: Energy recovery technology selection process. Capital costs related to equipping the new trains and retrofitting the existing trains with turbine-assisted interstage boost pumps. Challenges encountered and lessons learned from the incorporation of the selected technology into the new and existing RO trains. ? Ac...
Upgrading the North Lee County Water Treatment Plant with Energy Recovery
Upgrade with Energy Recovery...
Energy Efficiency: ?Getting the Word Out? on Recent Advances in Brackish Water RO Technology
This paper considers the capital and operating costs associated with improvements in brackish RO energy recovery technologies and compares them to more conventional designs that are still being implemented. These improvements include turbochargers, isobaric energy recovery, turbine-assisted interstage boost pumping, and concentrate turbine equipmen...