Presentations by Dustin Whynman, PE
Matches: 6
Optimizing an Anaerobic Ceramic Membrane Bioreactor
This paper describes the development and optimization of an anaerobic membrane bioreactor for the treatment of mixed waste (i.e., municipal wastewater and food waste) and production of biogas for small and decentralized communities. A cross-flow ceramic ultrafiltration membrane pilot was backpulsed and operated intermittently at high cross flow vel...
Effect of Cross Flow Velocity on an Anaerobic Membrane Bioreactor for Domestic Wastewater
Anaerobic membrane bioreactors employ a membrane to retain biomass in the reactor, greatly reducing the hydraulic retention time needed for treatment and allowing for anaerobic treatment of dilute waste streams such as domestic waste. The performance of the AnMBR was evaluated based on treated water quality, biogas production, and membrane fouling ...
Considerations for the Design of Membrane Filtration Chemical Cleaning Systems
Minimizing the irreversible fouling of low pressure membranes requires cleaning regimes that typically consist of three different types of membrane cleans: Chemically Enhanced Backwash (CEB), Maintenance Cleans (MC), and ? Recovery Cleans (RC). This paper details three case studies on CIP system design and pilot study work to evaluate fouling and...
The Development and Use of a Cost Estimating Tool to Compare Submerged and Pressurized Low Pressure Membrane Filtration to Granular Media Filtration
This paper describes a preliminary level design tool that was developed to compare foot print requirements, capital costs, and operational costs between granular media filtration and membrane technologies, both submerged and pressurized. The model creates an output for each filtration technology that allows an engineer to compare capital, operation...
Responding to Unexpected Issues at the Startup of Baker WTP
This abstract details the activities, problems and solutions encountered during the start up of a 28-mgd base loaded MF facility. This paper will detail the issues that were found and how to best deal with them. We also had an issue with membrane plugging on all 14 racks. This required enhanced CIPs and module isolation to restore permeability. Thi...
Minimizing Brine Volume at the Valencia Advanced Water Treatment Plant
This paper presents an exciting process that includes MF, NF, ion exchange, and 7-stage RO to remove chlorides from tertiary treated wastewater. The finished water is blended with wastewater to meet updated chlorides requirements. The RO process is performed at high pH to keep silica in solution....