Presentations by Eric Cherasia, PE
Matches: 2
Checking In on the Chino Concentrate Reduction Facility
The Chino Basin Desalter Authority (CDA) is a Joint Powers Authority consisting of eight members and owns the Chino Desalters (I and II). The Chino II desalter began operation in 2006 with a capacity of 10 mgd, and was expanded to 20.5 mgd in 2011. High brine disposal costs, brine line plugging, and the availability of construction-related grand fu...
California Ocean Plan Amendments: Applicability and Requirements for New, Expanded, and Existing Facilities
Although the City of Santa Barbara's seawater desalination plant and intake are exempt from the Ocean Plan Amendments' (OPA) requirements, the City has chosen to conduct its subsurface intake (SSI) study using the technical criteria presented in the OPA. This paper presents the OPA's SSI feasibility analysis requirements and summarizes the SSI feas...