Presentations by Evelyn Chang, PE
Matches: 3
Pass The Salt - The Cambria Sustainable Water Facility Brine Solution
The Cambria Sustainable Water Facility is an indirect potable reuse facility located along the central coast of California. This presentation will focus on handling the brine discharge from the facility, including a summary of options and a discussion of the first year of operation....
The Cambria Sustainable Water Facility: One Year of Operation
The Cambria Sustainable Water Facility is an indirect potable reuse facility located along the central coast of California. This presentation will focus on start-up and operation of the plant, including operational challenges and product water quality....
Carlsbad Water Recycling Facility Expansion: Design, Permitting, Startup, and Operations
The Carlsbad Water Recycling Facility (CWRF) is owned by the Carlsbad Municipal Water District (CMWD) and operated and maintained by Encina Wastewater Authority. Located in Carlsbad, CA, the CWRF treats secondary effluent from the adjacent Encina Water Pollution Control Facility to produce up to 4.0 mgd of Title 22 recycled water. The CWRF was cons...