Presentations by Guemez, PE
Matches: 2
Ten Years in the Desert: Challenges and Improvements to the KBH Desal Plant
The Kay Bailey Hutchinson Desalination Plant (KBH) in El Paso, TX has been operating for over 10 years. After 10 years of operation and changes in the water quality, it can no longer produce at the design capacity. A membrane replacement and the addition of interstage booster was determined to be a solution to return KBH to its design capacity....
Cinco MUD No. 1 Brackish Groundwater Desalination Plant
Presentation will show the challenges associated with impaired water that includes arsenic, iron, gas, boron, heat, and the membranes selected for the RO system and the pretreatment system consisting of MicroFiltration. The major plant components includes chemical addition prior to PALL MicroFiltration system as a pretreatment to the conventional b...