Presentations by Henry Durant
Matches: 2
Overview of Isom Lail Memorial Water Treatment Plant Henry Durant, South Blount County Utility District
Presented: 05/04/10
This powerpoint focuses on the development and construction of the J. Isom Lail Water Treatment Plant, an 8 mgd membrane filtration plant, located near Maryville, Tennessee....
pH Problem? Put it in a bubble and blow it away - South Blount County's Membrane WTP Experience
Presented: 02/27/12
South Blount County Utility District (SBCUD) has an exceptionally pure raw water supply from Tellico Lake, with very low levels of natural alkalinity (6 mg/L - 8 mg/L). The raw water turbidity is typically less than 1 NTU, allowing direct membrane filtration without sedimentation. Ultimately, this low-alkalinity supply resulted in a tendency of the...