Presentations by Jaime Kypuros
Matches: 3
Ultrafiltration Helps Solve Water Supply Problems in Eagle Pass, Texas
This paper explains how membrane systems, such as ultrafiltration, can be used to develop water resources. It is especially applicable to border communities, small communities in Texas and the southwest, and communities with surface water sources that have wide fluctuations in turbidity....
Extending the Useful Life of a 15 MGD Rio Grande Ultrafiltration Facility
The City of Eagle Pass, Texas draws its water supply from the Rio Grande treating the river water through a 15 MGD ultrafiltration treatment plant. After 10 years of operations with 35m 2 ultrafiltration membranes, the City is planning to replace its membranes with a newer 40m 2 membrane model. This presentation will provide an update on Eagle Pass...
Finding a Path to Membrane Pricing Competition for Replacement and Expansion of a 15-MGD Horizontal UF System
Provides an update on EPWWS's experience regarding membrane replacement, including the approach to obtaining TCEQ approval, direct integrity testing, lessons learned, and operational implications....