Presentations by James Christopher, PE
Matches: 3
Establishing a Database of Membrane Treatment Plant Operations: A Survey of Membrane Operational Practices by Geographic Region
The purpose of this paper is to establish a database in 2004 of operational conditions for various membrane facilities based on raw water qualities, membrane type, and geographic location. This paper will include survey results from membrane facilities throughout the country regarding operation and maintenance practices....
City of Punta Gorda ROWTP and Blending Process Design Considerations
Provides a summary of design and process considerations for the proposed 4 MGD RO process and facilities for blending with the city's existing surface WTP. Includes updates based on what has been encountered during well drilling and project costing....
Calcium Remineralization, Are There Limits?
The paper discusses work done for the City of Tarpon Springs, Florida Membrane Treatment Facilities and work done for the San Antonio Water System (SAWS) relative to augmentation of calcium in the finished water for stabilization and corrosion control. Extensive jar testing was performed for SAWS to determine the method and limits of calcium augmen...