Presentations by James DeCarolis
Matches: 11
Drought Relief by Water Reuse in Queensland, Australia: The Murruma Downs Advance Water Treatment Plant
In order to reduce potable water demands a 1.1 mgd wastewater reclamation facility was proposed in Queensland AU. RO concentrate disposal was an issue due to concentrated chloramines in the brine. Two options were investigated. The option chosen included a storage tank and dechlorination with sodium bi-sulfite before river discharge. This facility ...
15,000 hours of Membrane Operational Experience: City of San Diego Advanced Water Purification Facility
Data generated from the City of San Diego Advanced Water Purification (AWP) demonstration project was used to support the City?s proposal for conditional regulatory approval and estimate of capital, operational and maintenance (O&M) costs of a potential full-scale project. The potential full-scale project would purify tertiary effluent from North C...
Performance Testing of the Silicon Valley Advanced Water Purification Center?s 8 MGD Integrated Membrane System to Expand Reuse and Reliability
The Santa Clara Water District with the City of San Jose, CA commissioned the Silicon Valley Advanced Water Purification Center (SVAWPC). The state of the art facility treats secondary effluent from using an intergrated membrane system (IMS) consisting of mictofiltration (MF), reverse osmosis (RO), followed by ultra violet (UV) disinfection. Paper...
Evaluation of Ceramic MBR Technology for Water Reuse
This paper presents membrane operational and water quality performance data collected over a 30 day reporting period using Meiden Ceramic Flat Sheet (CFM . MBR is ongoing at the City of Escondido?s Hale Avenue Resource Recovery Facility (HARRF) located in Escondido, California. The primary goal of the testing is to demonstrate the CFM membrane can ...
Application of Flat Sheet Ceramic Membrane Technology for Water Reuse
Meidensha Corporation (Tokyo, Japan) contracted Black & Veatch to perform third party demonstration testing of their ceramic flat sheet membrane CFM membrane to demonstrate its ability to meet the California Division of Drinking Water (DDW) Recycled Water Criteria per California Code of Regulations Title 22. The City of Escondido (City), California...
High-Recovery Treatment of RO Concentrate With Electrodialysis Metathesis
This important study evaluated a new electrodialysis (ED) technology, electrodialysis metathesis (EDM), which offers the potential to reduce the costs and energy associated with RO concentrate treatment, while reducing solid waste by-products. The paper will provide background information on EDM technology along with 6 months of demonstration testi...
EMWD?s Perris II Desalter Design Refinements: Source Water Quality/Equalization, Pre-Treatment, Phasing/Integration, and Beyond!
This paper summarizes specific challenges, considerations and solutions associated with the design of Eastern Municipal Water District?s (EMWD?s) Perris II Desalter. Topics include source water quality/equalization, pre-treatment, integration with existing facilities, phasing considerations, and RO concentrate volume minimization. The paper will pr...
Implementation of an Integrated Membrane System to Expand Reuse - City of Phoenix Cave Creek Water Reclamation Plant
The Cave Creek Water Reclamation Plant (CCWRP) is one of three wastewater treatment facilities either owned or co-owned by the City of Phoenix (City). The 8 mgd facility was placed in operation in 2002 but was taken offline in 2009 due to slower than anticipated growth in the surrounding area. Due to resumed growth, the City authorized Black & Veat...
Implementation of an Integrated Membrane System to Expand Reuse - City of Phoenix Cave Creek Water Reclamation Plant
The Cave Creek Water Reclamation Plant (CCWRP) is one of three wastewater treatment facilities either owned or co-owned by the City of Phoenix (City). The 8 mgd facility was placed in operation in 2002 but was taken offline in 2009 due to slower than anticipated growth in the surrounding area. Due to resumed growth, the City authorized Black & Veat...