Presentations by Jeff Hennings, PE
Matches: 2
Performance Testing of a 380 ML/d Retrofitted Membrane/UV Oxidation WTP
Presented: 03/10/14
This article presents the results at the Lorne Park Water Treatment Plant (WTP) in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada of the performance testing that was conducted and lessons learned for future membrane performance testing. Once the Lorne Park WTP was fully commissioned, the membrane system had to be tested in accordance with the pre-selection documen...
Surface Water Treatment with Ultrafiltration: Algae Blooms Operational Challenges
Presented: 03/10/14
This study reports on the application of ultrafiltration (UF) to treat a water source that is subject to algae blooms, with data that demonstrates how the membranes may best be used in a treatment train to mitigate risks associated with membrane fouling, algal toxins, and taste and odor compounds....