Presentations by Jennifer Roque, PE
Matches: 7
Groundwater Replenishment Performance and Operations: Lessons Learned Duirng Clearwater's One-Year Pilot
Discussion on groundwater recharge for the City of clearwater pilot proejct. Presents project objectives, project background, treatment approach, water quality, pilot operation and post-treatment prior to injection for this pilot project....
Groundwater Replenishment Performance and Operations Lessons Learned During Clearwater?s One Year Pilot
This paper outlines issues that affected the operations of the groundwater replenishment treatment train at the City of Clearwater and the lessens learned that were later incorporated into the full-scale design of the Groundwater Replenishment water purification and aquifer recharge systems. In the next several years, multiple Florida utilities are...
Groundwater Replenishment Project: Clearwater's Preliminary Design of the First Full Advanced Treatment IPR in Florida
This paper describes the investigation at the City of Clearwater Flirodia that has allowed them to move forward with a full scale design of a full advanced treatment Indirect Potable Reuse facility. Pilot testing and design of a 3 MGD plant are presented with some discussion about permitting and training of staff....
Groundwater Replenishment Performance and Operations: Lessons Learned During Clearwater's One-Year Pilot
This paper describes the pilot testing at Clearwater Florida of a modified full advanced treatment for potable reuse for one year. Ultrafiltration was followed by reverse osmosis and then advanced oxidative process at the Northeast Water Reclamation Facility. Extensive operating data were collected showing removal of non-regulated contaminants. Mem...
A Potable Reuse Demonstration Scale Program in East Coast Florida
The implementation of direct potable reuse (DPR) in recent years has become a necessity in drought-driven states such as California and Texas. However, in Florida, alternative water supplies have long been established for providing reclaimed water to end users for irrigation and other non-potable applications. Furthermore, the driver for investigat...
Advancing the Development of Direct Potable Reuse in Florida: Construction of a Full-Scale Demonstration Facility nears Completion
The purpose of this presentation is to provide a construction update of the Daytona Beach Demonstration Scale Direct Potable Reuse Facility. After one year of an accelerated construction schedule due to meeting funding requirements, the conference time frame will provide an opportunity to present the challenges, successes and obstacles overcome dur...
Doubling Down on UF Process Innovations - Design of an Interchangeable Rack UF System With Direct-Coupled Downstream RO
This presentation will provide valuable information regarding the design of a 4.0 MGD UF/3.0 MGD RO integrated membrane system to be applied as a potable reuse facility. Information will be provided regarding the nuances of an interchangeable rack UF system design that will be beneficial for those looking to implement a non-proprietary UF system fo...