Presentations by John Balliew, PE
Matches: 4
El Paso/Fort Bliss Desalination Facility and Concentrate Management Research
The El Paso / Fort Bliss Desalination Facility is reviewed from concept through construction and includes information on concentrate disposal using deep well injection. It includes Desalination capital costs associated with the project, financing sources and annual operating costs. It also includes a comparison of costs per thousand gallons prod...
Lessons Learned During Two Years of Operation of the 27.5 mgd Kay Bailey Hutchison Desalination Facility in El Paso, TX
Lessons learned during two years of operation of the 27.5 mgd Kay Bailey Hutchison Desalination Facility in El Paso, Texas...
Performance of High-Rejection RO Membrane Trivalent Arsenic and Inorganic Ion Removals
Performance of high-rejection RO Membrane for trivalent arsenic and Inorganic Ion removal studied at El Paso Water Utilities....
Comparison of NF/RO Permeate Quality on UV-AOP Performance in a Direct Potable Reuse Application
This paper discusses the pilot test results at El Paso, TX and the degree to which each NF/RO permeate stream affects UV-AOP performance, as well as the influence of this performance on NF/RO membrane selection for the full-scale facility....