Presentations by John Potts, PE
Matches: 9
Nanofiltration By-Product is a Valuable Resource in Jupiter
The local wastewater authority as agreed to pay the Jupiter Water System for the nanofiltration by-product....
Planning for Commissioning and Start-up of the First Center Discharge Nanofiltration Plant
The City of Jupiter FL utilizes ion exchange, nanofiltration softening and brackish water RO to produce drinking water for its residents. This proejct describes the process by which the utility successfully incorporated a new RO design (center discharge) in a plant expansion. The plant expansion was completed with no net incrase in operations sta...
Membrane Nomenclature
This presentation is an introduction to the nomenclature used in the appliction of membrane elements and system design....
Handling of Membrane By-Products
This PowerPoint presentation reviews membrane by-product handling and disposal or reuse....
Membrane Concentrate Disposal in Coastal Carolina
This presenation includes an overview of concentrate disposal alternatives for reverse osmosis in a coastal area. The discussion includes a description of concentrate characteristics, reuse opportunities and challenges, and disposal alternatives....
Resolving Common Pre-treatment Problems
This presentation on pretreatment issues was from a preconference workshop in 2014 that described Optimizing Performance and Troubleshooting Techniques for Membrane Plants. The results of poor pretreatment is detailed with the impact on membrane treatment. Different means of pretreating a water stream for a membrane plant are reviewed....
Blending Waters From Multiple Membrane Treatment Processes for Drinking Water
This paper describes multiple blending schemes employed by the Town of Jupiter water system since the introduction of enhanced lime softening in the late 1980?s to brackish water reverse osmosis in 1989, addition of anion exchange in 1999 through the process currently being implemented of replacing lime softening with nanofiltration and blending wi...
Proactive Corrosion Control Strategies To Avoid Flint Tragedy
The tragic events in Flint Michigan that occurred when lead levels rose well above the allowable concentrations in some homes resulted from corossion control efforts and protocols that did not adequately address changes in water quality when the raw water source and treatment processes changed. All drinking water utilities are best served by adopti...
Regulatory Concerns About Concentrate and Permitting for Concentrate Disposal
Water treatment using membrane technology will always generate a coninuous flow of concentrate which must be discharged or the water treatment process will stop. Discharge can be treatment of the concentrate to a solid or ZLD but currently at a relatively high cost. The concentrate will contain only the elements present in the raw water, or conta...