Presentations by Jonathan Bundy
Matches: 5
Ohio County Water District: Treatment Technology Selection, Testing and Design for Future Regulatory Compliance
This paper descirbes the The Ohio County Water District (OCWD) Treatment Technology selection, testing and design for future regulatory compliance. The design of the new WTP has been a successful implementation of water treatment facilities that included implementation of existing treatment processes in combination with newmembrane treatment techn...
Supplementing High TDS Surface Water with Brackish Groundwater RO Treatment
This paper describes the design of an 8 MGD reverse osmosis treatment plant in the City of Punta Gorda Florida to meet current and projected demands through 2036 and beyond. The source water from the ROWTP will be groundwater from the Floridan Aquifer. The design of the new facilities at the Shell Creek WTP will provide customers with higher qualit...
City of Punta Gorda ROWTP and Blending Process Design Considerations
Provides a summary of design and process considerations for the proposed 4 MGD RO process and facilities for blending with the city's existing surface WTP. Includes updates based on what has been encountered during well drilling and project costing....