Presentations by Joseph Wong, PE, BCEE
Matches: 6
Cloth Filter and Membranes Pilot Testing at the Hale Avenue Resource Recovery Facility
The City of Escondido (City) is actively engaged in evaluating various options for ensuring adequate capacity at its Hale Avenue Resource Recovery Facility (HARRF.) The City is also interested in evaluating tertiary filtration technologies for upgrading existing continuous backwashing sand filters. In addition, the City is interested in evaluating ...
From Industrial Wastewater to Ultrapure Water Using Membrane Technologies
A large steel manufacturing plant uses a significant amount of water for the steelmaking process and boiler feed. Treating the wastewater generated from the steelmaking process for reuse within the plant conserves water. The treatment process includes ultrafiltration, reverse osmosis, and mixed bed ion exchange polishing for boiler feed....
Membrane Applications for Petrochemical and Oil Refining Facilities: An Update
This paper presents a history of membrane applications in petroleum processing facilities and updates the list of reported worldwide membrane installations for effluent treatment and reuse. These installations include membrane bioreactors (MBR), tertiary MF/UF, with or without RO. Several case studies described the impetus for reuse, water qualit...
Membranes in Water Reuse in Petrochemical and Refining Facilities
This presentation will include a brief discussion of water membrane technologies and their applications in the petrochemical and refining industries, a survey of worldwide membrane installations for wastewater treatment and reclamation in petrochemical plants and refineries; and three representative case studies of using membrane technologies at th...
Membrane Bioreactors (MBR) and Reverse Osmosis (RO) for Leachate Treatment
This paper describes four pilot studies that were conducted to evaluate the Membrane bioreactor (MBR) process for leachate treatment. Both hollow fiber and cross-flow systems from several vendors were evaluated. One system also includes application of RO following the MBR process as a polishing step. Data from these systems highlight biological per...
Experience of Applications of Membranes for Industrial Water Reuse in Various Industries
Membrane technologies such as microfiltration/ultrafiltration and reverse osmosis have been used successfully for treatment of municipal wastewater effluent for indirect potable reuse for nearly 20 years. The use of these membrane technologies are not as prevalent for industrial effluent reuse due to variable water quality and cost considerations. ...