Presentations by Kevin Alexander, PE
Matches: 7
Innovative Treatment Approaches at the Chino Basin Desalters
Case study of the Chino I and Chino II Desalters with high nitrate feedwater. Plants use a combination of RO and ion exchange to treat the nitrates....
Membrane System Equipment Procurement for MBRs
Given the number of membrane manufactures and technology providers (or system suppliers) in the market, it is important for owners to understand procurement options. This paper provides a basic overview of available procurement strategies including a look at contracts and funding. In particular, an approach to selecting a manufacturer or supplier...
Submerged Membrane (MF/UF) Filtration System Characteristics
This presentation provides an overview of submerged Membrane (MF/UF) Filtration system characteristics. Some of the topics included are membrane filtration removal characteristics, membrane fiber and module assembly, membrane theory and practices, and submerged systems operational considerations. It also covers backwashing of membranes (reverse ...
Startup of the Scottsdale Water Campus Large Diameter RO System
This paper will discuss the current expansion and how it is the first and largest Indirect Potable Reuse Project to utilize large diameter RO equipment. The paper discusses the procurement process that made for a competitive environment that allowed the City to save millions of dollars on the RO System. The paper will discuss the unique design aspe...
Low Pressure Membrane Filtration: Where Have We Been and Where Are We Headed ?
As membrane filtration technology has matured, valuable lessons have been learned as to where it fits and where it doesn't. While treated water quality in terms of particle and microorganism removal is rarely compromised, some of the early claims made on sustainable membrane flux and manageable feed water quality in terms of turbidity and organics ...
Unique Hybrid Membranes Configuration for Color Removal and Very High Recovery for Groundwater Treatment at the City of Signal Hill
The Signal Hill project showcases an innovative approach that other water suppliers can capitalize on - membrane treatment with high recovery to conserve local resources. This paper describes the key considerations of a hybrid membrane configuration to achieve color removal while maintaining high recovery without membrane scaling....
NF Design and Operation at 98% Recovery - Two Years of Operation and CIP Results
The City of Signal Hill's nanofiltration plant was designed and built primarily for color removal and some total dissolved solids reduction. The plant was successfully built and started up over two years ago. After more than one year of operation the plant was cleaned for the first time. This paper will present information on the plant design and o...