Presentations by Lance Littrell, PE
Matches: 5
An Innovated Approach to Optimize Reverse Osmosis Membrane Performance
This paper provides an innovative detailed design approach to right inadequate design, control features and deteriorating wells while optimizing performance from Reverse Osmosis Membranes....
PLC Programming & Instrumentation
This presentation discusses prgrammable logic controllers, input and output modules, central processor, and the steps required to program. Examples of screenshots are given, sillustrating the programming steps....
Efficiency in Piloting
Paper chronicles the City of Port St. Lucie?s 2011 Reverse Osmosis membrane replacement process which included significant pilot testing. Piloting was conducted to achieve chemical reduction, process optimization, energy reduction and improved water quality. The result of this work ultimately resulted in a reduction in treatment cost of $0.06 per t...
Energy Recovery in Desalination
Based on over pumping, saltwater intrusion, or contamination from nutrient loading, studies are indicating that aquifers in these states are being taxed to unsustainable levels. Utilities then must find new treatment methods or alternative sources of water such as brackish or seawater. The public perception that Desalination is expensive though is ...
Why Reuse?
The presentation will look at reuse with the focus of identifying what factors influence the utility's decisions to proceed with reuse. A historic look at the early features of reuse will highlight municipalities across the nation whom have integrated reuse into their utility offerings, credits gained from the integration of reuse into their utlit...