Presentations by Leonel Almanzar
Matches: 2
Carlsbad Water Recycling Facility Expansion: Design, Permitting, Startup, and Operations
The Carlsbad Water Recycling Facility (CWRF) is owned by the Carlsbad Municipal Water District (CMWD) and operated and maintained by Encina Wastewater Authority. Located in Carlsbad, CA, the CWRF treats secondary effluent from the adjacent Encina Water Pollution Control Facility to produce up to 4.0 mgd of Title 22 recycled water. The CWRF was cons...
Pilot Testing of Nanofiltration To Minimize TOC Levels and DBP Formation
The presentation describes the pilot testing arrangement with an infiltration supply well, ultrafiltration pre-treatment system and three stages of NF membranes to simulate full scale operation to reduce TOC to less than 0.8 mg/L. The pilot equipment was operated for three months at 90% to 96% recovery, and operational data were collected on pressu...