Presentations by Lisa Leckie
Matches: 3
Expanding Submerged Plant Operating Window Through Double-Ended Filtration
This paper describes the application of a double ended submerged filtration system in Sydney Australia. Several different modules were tested and high turbidity experienced during the test period were handled effectivity and showed that the method was sound. Test results are presented....
Improving MBR Footprint - A California Case Study
When making improvements to membrane treatment products, it is important that all aspects of product performance and longevity be thoroughly investigated to maximise the value of the improvements. This presentation describes testing done in a full-scale MBR plant in California to validate a product improvement in a novel way, and some of the accel...
MBR Direct Integrity Testing: An Initial Data Analysis Perspective for Application
This presentation presents data and application perspective on how to apply a DIT in a MBR setting. It's value is in presenting a data-driven perspective to the application of DIT in a MBR to be considered as a credible alternative to only turbidity monitoring....