Presentations by Lori Jones
Matches: 2
Pressure Retarded Osmosis as Energy Recovery for Reverse Osmosis Desalination: Module-Scale Modeling & Specific Energy
Presented: 02/02/16
This paper discusses modeling of pressure retarded osmosis as energy recovery for reverse osmosis desalination. The analysis reported in this paper reflects the current state of PRO membrane technology...
California's Desalination Amendment: Opportunities from the Colocation of Desal Facilities with Wastewater Treatment Plants
Presented: 02/14/17
As RO desalination facilities are being implemented in drought-affected areas, California has responded by adding a desalination amendment to the California Ocean Plan in which desalination plants are required to dilute the discharged brine with wastewater effluent before being discharged to the ocean. The colocation of desalination facilities with...