Presentations by Matthew Charles
Matches: 3
Incorporating Sustainability in Desalination Plant Planning to Reduce Overall Project
This presentation describes the various aspects of the Coquina Coast desalination project that was considered for Northeast Florida...
Managing Fouling in Nanofiltration Systems: Literature Review and Practical Experience in South Florida
In South Florida, nanofiltration (NF) has become a vital part of the water treatment landscape. The widespread use of nanofiltration in the region, combined with a challenging source water, makes control of fouling and cleaning of fouled membranes critical issues. For this presentation, the literature was reviewed to identify critical factors that ...
Pretreatment Review for NF and LPRO Membranes: Literature Review and Case Studies
Selection of an appropriate pretreatment process for a nanofiltration (NF) or low-pressure reverse osmosis (LPRO) system is critical to optimizing recovery, water quality, and clean-in-place (CIP) requirements. Key pretreatment considerations include whether or not to remove dissolved Fe and Mn ahead of NF or LPRO, whether biofouling control is ...