Presentations by Michael Norton, PE
Matches: 2
Kennewick Water Filtration Plant - Major Pre-Treatment Filtration Changes - The Submerged Membrane Retrofit Experience
Presented: 07/23/07
This paper focuses on the operating strategies, procedures and activities associated with major process changes by integrating submerged membrane technology into a conventional water treatment plant. The City of Kennewick's Water Filtration Plant (?WFP?) treats the water from the Columbia River....
First Year Operating the City of Gearhart Oregon Arsenic Removal Membrane Water Treatment Plant
Presented: 03/10/14
This paper presents the operating and performance results for the first 13 months of operation at the City of Gearhart?s water treatment plant. Membrane hydraulic performance is discussed with respect to the following: ferric chloride dose, variation in plant production due to water rights restrictions, maintenance cleans, and clean-in-place clea...