Presentations by Paul Choules
Matches: 6
Water Quality and Performance Evaluation of SWRO Plants Through the Use of Advanced Analytical Tools Quality
Fouling study for a seawater plant using advanced analytical tools v SDI testing alone....
Veolia Experience in Reverse Osmosis Desalination Plant
Reverse osmosis (RO) pretreatment is a key parameter in designing effective desalination plants. A pretreatment design depends on a variety of parameters including: water quality, dissolved organic carbon, SDI, Turbidity, algae concentration, temperature and seasonal changes. Treatment technologies can include conventional methods including: ba...
Membrane (MF & UF) Pre-treatment Design & Operational Experience From Three Seawater RO Plants
Successful performance of SWRO systems relies upon high quality pre-treated water. Lessons learnt from three (3) different membrane pre-treatment installations: 1. Kindasa, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia; 2. Buzzard Platform. North Sea, UK; and 3. WSC, Mobile Ship based system is provided. It is concluded that MF/UF provides an excellent and consistent tre...
Desalination Solutions for Offshore IOR/EOR Applications
Discusses uses of membranes in offshore oil production and key issues associted with their use. Weight reduction and footprint reduction are critical for any offshore water treatment process. Various membrane based processes discussed, including membrane filtration, low salinity waterflooding, and membrane deaeration....
Membrane Applications Offshore
Membranes are replacing conventional water treatment processes in multiple offshore applications. Two (2) seawater membrane systems, one (1) for potable water production and one (1) for water injection, will be considered and evaluated. Key drivers to why membranes have been accepted, such as weight, footprint and reliability, will be reviewed....
Using Membranes in Offshore Oil Production
Membranes are being considered for more offshore applications as water quality requirements become more stringent. Space, weight and cost are concerns as is reliability. Membranes have been used for many applications offshore but there's a move to use them in much more challenging applications....