Presentations by Paul Gallagher
Matches: 4
Accelerated Testing Protocols for Membrane Development
This presentation discusses the development and introduction to the market of new MF-UF products. Included is a discussion of piloot testing new products. Also discussed is the forensic work performed to idnetify product weaknesses, and corrective steps....
Membrane Fouling Control in Municipal Water Treatment: How to Clean Them Back.
This presentation describes a systematic approach to the examination of fouled membrane modules and the development and validation of preferred cleaning procedures, illustrated by case study data. Through experimental design and case studies, we show that cleaning study data must be interpreted carefully to maximize the prospect of restoring module...
Improving MBR Footprint - A California Case Study
When making improvements to membrane treatment products, it is important that all aspects of product performance and longevity be thoroughly investigated to maximise the value of the improvements. This presentation describes testing done in a full-scale MBR plant in California to validate a product improvement in a novel way, and some of the accel...
MBR Direct Integrity Testing: An Initial Data Analysis Perspective for Application
This presentation presents data and application perspective on how to apply a DIT in a MBR setting. It's value is in presenting a data-driven perspective to the application of DIT in a MBR to be considered as a credible alternative to only turbidity monitoring....