Presentations by Pierre Kwan, PE
Matches: 4
Comparison of Inland Brine Disposal Options
This paper explores the application of different treatment processes for three ethanol refineries in the United States and their respective waste residuals management solutions, which include discharging to storage ponds, a surface water receiving stream, and a mechanical zero liquid discharge (ZLD) system. In addition, this paper discusses how the...
Pilot Testing for a New Membrane WTP With no Feed, Filtrate, or Backwash Pumps
This paper describes how the City of Port Townsend, WA chose low pressure membrane filtration to comply with LT2ESWTR for Cryptosporidium removal. The system had to match the existing system hydraulic grade line (HGL) to supply the entire water pressure system by gravity. he City opted to conduct a two-step procurement process. The initial step was...
Starting up a Tertiary Wastewater Membrane System for Enhanced Nutrient Removal
This paper describes the challenges faced and overcome during a start-up of a submerged membrane system used for tertiary treatment at the City of Coeur d?Alene Advanced Wastewater Treatment Facility (AWTF). The AWTF discharges into the Spokane River which has extremely low effluent ammonia and phosphorus limits....
All-Gravity Membrane Filtration: Design and Operational Considerations
The City of Port Townsend own and operates a municipal water system is supplied by gravity from the Big and Little Quilcene Rivers, which are on the western side of the Olympus Mountain Range and is located approximately 30 to 20 miles south of the City respectively. The entire system operates by gravity from both of the diversions, through two la...