Presentations by Pranay Mane
Matches: 2
Pilot Testing of Second Stage RO for Cost Effective Brine Volume Minimization in ZLD Processes
This paper investigates whether High Pressure RO can be successfully implemented as second stage RO for brine volume minimization without chemical pretreatment. Consderations include feed water quality, intermediate chemical pretreatment, and lower energy consumption in the HPRO process when compared with concentrate disposal options.The investigat...
Sulfuric Acid Pretreatment Elimination Reduces OPEX for City of Palm Coast?s Membrane Softening Plant
Eliminating sulfuric acid injection in the NF feed at the City of Palm Coast site improved cartridge filter run times and led to a significant reduction in chemical consumption. The total annual savings in operation costs were estimated to be approximately $145,000. A laboratory analysis performed for this study indicated that the foulant matrix co...