Presentations by Qigang Chang
Matches: 11
Sheyenne River Unique Water Quality Challenges: A Comparative Pilot Study of Three MF/UF Membranes
The City of Fargo Water Treatment Plant (WTP) recently piloted GE submerged ZeeWeed 1000, Siemens encased MemCor L20N, and Pall encased UNA-620A membranes for its new 15 million gallons per day (mgd) membrane WTP. The source water Sheyenne River quality is challenging for membrane treatment: elevated total dissolved salts, high total organic conten...
Concentrate Management and NDPDES Permitting For Inland Brackish Water Desalination Utilizing A River Shared By Multiple States
City of Fargo North Dakota has a surface water reverse osmosis system (RO) which requires brine concentrate discharge management back to a river that meets NPDES permit requirements. Contaminants of concerns are sulfates and heavy metals. Model simulations performed to determine proper mixing zone....
Lessons Learned from Two Membrane Applications on Wastewater Reuse
This paper discusses the lessons learned at the City of Fargo and the City of Grand Forks, North Dakota, water reuse facilities. A 1.4 MGD Effluent Reuse Facility (ERF) was constructed in the fall of 2008 to supply water to an ethanol plant. During the summer of 2014, a 4-month pilot study was performed to investigate an integrated membrane system ...
A Quantitative Procedure To Select MF/UF Membrane Design Flux Based Upon Piltoing Performance
A new quantitative procedure is proposed in this manuscript to aid engineers/investigator to analyze membrane pilot study data and select appropriate membrane design flux. This presentation will step wise demonstrate how this procedure was successfully used in two membrane water treatment plants final design in last four years....
Update on Fargo Membrane Water Treatment Plant
Fargo owns and operates a15 MGD membrane water treatment plant built in 2018, the first true surface water RO plant in the nation. The treatment processes consist of coagulation/flocculation/sedimentation, UF membrane, and RO membrane. The RO bypass flow goes through ozone and GAC. This presentation will discuss some unique aspects of the project t...
Lessons Learned in the First Two Years Operation of a 15 MGD Membrane WTP
Cold Climate Surface Water Membrane Water Treatment Plant Operation Considerations
The City of Fargo owns and operates a 15 million gallons per day (MGD) integrated membrane water treatment plant (MWTP), which is the largest and most sophisticated surface water membrane treatment plant in North Dakota, and potentially the upper Midwest. The MWTP has been a demonstration site since it was constructed. Fargo MWTP’s major treatmen...
Cold Climate Surface Water Membrane Water Treatment Plant Operation Considerations
The City of Fargo owns and operates a 15 million gallons per day (MGD) integrated membrane water treatment plant (MWTP), which is the largest and most sophisticated surface water membrane treatment plant in North Dakota, and potentially the upper Midwest. The MWTP has been a demonstration site since it was constructed. Fargo MWTP’s major treatmen...
Fargo 15 MGD Integrated Membrane WTP: Pilot Study, Design, Operation and Optimization
The City of Fargo, ND, owns and operates a 15 MGD membrane WTP that treats surface water that has high fouling potential: 8-16 mg/L organics, TDS up to 1,000 mg/L, and wide temperature swing 33-85 °F. The plant faces various challenges through seasons: pretreatment upsets (poor settling) and high operating pressures in winter and spring, severe or...