Presentations by Raghavender Joshi, PE, PMP
Matches: 2
Pilot Testing Results for a New Surface Water Treatment Plant with Multiple Raw Water Supply Sources
Presented: 07/13/09
Irvine Ranch Water District (IRWD) and other retail water agencies in south Orange County, California are planning to construct a new regional surface water treatment plant (Baker WTP) to improve the reliability of local potable water supply....
Design Considerations for a New Surface Water Treatment Plant with Multiple Raw Water Supply Sources
Presented: 07/18/11
In order to improve the reliability of the potable water supply to more than one million residents in South Orange County, California, Irvine Ranch Water District (IRWD) has partnered with several and other water agencies in the region to design and construct the Baker Water Treatment Plant (WTP), a new 28 MM gallons per day (mgd) advanced water tr...