Presentations by Robert Bergman, PE
Matches: 4
New Developments in Membrane Desalting Technologies and Their Application
This paper will briefly review membrane desalting processes and discuss new innovations that have recently been commercialized and some anticipated future improvements that are currently in research and development. Some of the new innovations that are discussed are recent membrane developments which improve productivity and/or rejection capabiliti...
Dual-Membrane Feasibility for Multi-Contaminant Removal at a Large-Capacity Inland Surface Water Treatment Plant
This paper discusses the treatment goals for an example large-capacity inland water treatment plant, alternative treatment processes for multiple contaminant removal, and selection, including dual-membrane processes [microfiltration (MF) or ultrafiltration (UF) pretreatment for reverse osmosis (RO)] and several non-membrane processes, including act...
RO/NF Computer Modeling
This presentation just provides a list of presenters for RO/NF Computer Modeling. The list (but no details) include Design Cases Seawater (surface water) RO; Brackish groundwater RO; Nanofiltration/membrane softening of well water; and Water reuse (Tertiary Treatment) with RO...
Cost of Membrane Treatment: Current Costs and Trends
The following technologies and applications have been included in the cost analyses: Reverse osmosis (RO) for seawater desalination; RO for brackish water desalting and water reuse applications; Nanofiltration (NF) for water softening and color/organic removal; Ultrafiltration (UF) and microfiltration (MF) for particle filtration, pretreatment for ...