Presentations by Robert McCandless
Matches: 9
Removal of Microconstitutents by NF/RO: A Summary of Recent Research
Understanding micro constituent rejection by Reverse Osmosis (RO) and Nanofiltration (NF). Characterizing the realm of microconstituents and the contaminant properties relative to the membrane properties. Discussing bulk liquid properties and the interaction of all properties on the membranes performance....
Economics of Brackish Water Resources
In Arizona, fresh water sources are currently and will continue to be limited. Natural surface waters are already fully developed, many groundwater sources are being over drafted, and the State's 2.8 million acre-foot allocation of Colorado River Water could be reduced in response to long term drought and other effects of climate change. One source...
Sodium Chloride Removal
The conventional approach to desalting brackish waters is to use reverse osmosis (RO) with a blend stream to achieve a desired target water quality. Sulfuric acid is typically dosed in the feed along with an antiscalant to prevent fouling from sulfate salts, calcium phosphate, calcium carbonate and silica. Caustic or lime is added to the blended pr...
Operation Case Study of Tropical Island Ultrafiltration Plant
The Guam Water Authority owns and operates the Ugum WTP located on the southeast portion of the Island of Guam treating water from the Ugum River. The paper discusses upgrading from a conventional coagulation/flocculation, sedimentation, granular media filtration with chlorine disinfection to incorporating submerged UF membrane to replace the medi...
Predicting of Trace Organics Removal by NF and RO Membranes in Reuse Applications
This paper includes a comparison of predicted rejection rates of trace organic contaminants by nanofiltration and low pressure reverse osmosis membranes using a qualitative predictive tool versus actual observed results for four membranes treating tertiary treated municipal wastewater....
A Novel Approach for Concentrate Minimization: Phase II
This presentation follows up from a previous study where a two-pass nanofiltration/reverse osmosis (NF/RO) system was used to selectively remove sodium chloride and reduce concentrate disposal costs. The current study, initiated in June 2017, includes a scalable NF/RO system running in parallel with a reverse osmosis system to demonstrate reduction...
Water Production Capacity Recovery with Closed Circuit Reverse Osmosis
This paper describes the application of Closed Circuit Reverse Osmosis (CCRO) in an existing brackish groundwater treatment plant to increase membrane system recovery and help the City of Santa Monica achieve its water sustainability goals. The findings demonstrate that CCRO offers a cost effective approach that can be implemented at full scale on ...
RO Permeate Stabilization for Hyperion Advanced Water Purification Facility
The Hyperion Advanced Water Purification Facility is a “proof of concept” treatment project that will provide highly treated water for multiple non-potable uses at the Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) and the Hyperion Water Reclamation Plant (HWRP). These uses may include make-up water for cooling towers, toilet flushing, boiler feed mak...
RO Permeate Stabilization for Hyperion Advanced Water Purification Facility
The Hyperion Advanced Water Purification Facility is a “proof of concept” treatment project that will provide highly treated water for multiple non-potable uses at the Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) and the Hyperion Water Reclamation Plant (HWRP). These uses may include make-up water for cooling towers, toilet flushing, boiler feed mak...