Presentations by Robert Shoaf, PE, BCEE
Matches: 6
Design and Operations NAWA 7.7 MGD NF Water Treatment Plant Tripp City, Ohio
The case study of the 7.7 MGD Northern Area Water Auth. membrane softening (MS) / nanofiltration (NF) WTP at Tipp City, OH. Surface water NPDES discharge concentrate disposal to the Great Miami River, a state scenic river. Discussion includes both design and construction with addition of operating information and cost....
Organics Removal from Ohio Surface Water Source Using UF and NF Membranes
This presentation documents the planning, design, and construction of the Paulding Water Treatment Plant in Paulding, Ohio. Treatment goals for the new facility included the reduction of total organic carbon (TOC) and hardness concentrations. The presentation provides pilot study results for ion exchange, ultrafiltration (UF), and nanofiltration (N...
Innovative Replacement of MF Membranes After Eight Years of Operation in Byesville, Ohio
The Village of Byesville, Ohio was the first drinking water installation utilizing microfiltration membranes in Ohio when it was constructed in 2004. Now, after eight years of successful operation, the membranes are nearing the end of their useful life and the Village has decided to replace the membranes....
Considering the World's First ASR for RO Concentrate Management
This paper will discuss the findings of the ASR feasibility study for the City of Marysville, OH and will outline the approach that the City will take on its new water treatment plant and concentrate management...
MF, UF, NF, RO -Ohio?s Membrane Water Plants
The use of membrane technology for the production of drinking water is becoming more commonplace and more cost-effective every year. Many utilities are converting to membrane filtration to help fortify their facilities for current or future regulations. The author has been fortunate to at the front lines of the membrane wave in Ohio - having part...
The Proliferation of Membrane Water Treatment in Ohio
The use of membrane technology for the production of drinking water is becoming more commonplace and more cost-effective every year. Many utilities are converting to membrane filtration to help fortify their facilities for current or future regulations. The author has been fortunate to at the front lines of the membrane wave in Ohio - having part...