Presentations by Roger Noack, PE
Matches: 9
It Works - Direct Coagulant Addition on Low Pressure Membranes for a New Surface Water Treatment Plant in Pflugerville, TX
This paper will present actual full scale plant operating data, which will include TOC removals and finished water turbidity, that validates the pilot testing and demonstrates that direct coagulant addition for low pressure membranes WORKS. The City of Pflugerville, Texas has built a major project to utilize a new water supply to meet the growing n...
My Conventional Plant is Equal to your Membrane Plant
This paper describes a study that had two objectives 1) to compare the filtration processes and resultant water quality of a conventional treatment and membrane filtration plant to quantify any potential treatment inequity and 2) to employ the LT2ESWTR Microbial Toolbox to capitalize on current treatment performance and identify process improvement...
So You Think That a Seawater Desalination Facility has to be on Land
This paper describes the analysis of the feasibility of an offshore, desalination treatment facility which showed that the concept is viable at all of the evaluated production rates. The findings of this study demonstrate that an offshore platform can accommodate the necessary treatment systems and equipment and, from an operational perspective, re...
Overview of Direct Integrity Testing for Pressure-Based Tests
This paper provides an overview of Direct Integrity Testing for Pressure-Based Tests. Membrane Integrity Testing has become the means of determining compliance with regulations. Testing pressure for pressure-based direct Integrity Testing is the most important parameter. The full-scale challenge test is the best indicator for the sensitivity a...
Offshore - Large Scale Ship or Platform Mounted - Desalination
The objective of this study is to evaluate the economic, environmental, and technical benefits and challenges of offshore desalination facilities....
Comparison of RO to VSEP for Reuse at a ZLD Power Plant
In this paper, a comparison will be made between the original treatment concept using conventional reverse osmosis treatment and the V-SEP technology. The comparison will cover initial and annual costs as well as the design and general operation parameters....
Apples to Apples: How to Conduct a Fair Cost Comparison between Different Membrane Technologies
This presentation provides a lifecycle cost methodology to determine the factors to be considered, how the factors should be used to determine the total long-term project cost of each, and then how to determine which system is the lowest overall cost for possible implementation in a project....
Creating a New Legacy Out of the Past: Membrane Retrofit of the Brandywine Filtration Plant
This paper presents the challenges faced during design, construction, start-up and first year of operation with retrofitting a 90+-year old plant with the latest and greatest surface water treatment technology....
Metrics & Methods for MF/UF System Optimization
This paper covers a wide variety of the current knowledge base about how to best operate and maintain a membrane filtration facility. Its authors cover the range of professionals with knowledge on the subject including design engineers, suppliers, regulators, and academics....