Presentations by Sangho Lee
Matches: 2
South Korea's First 16-inch RO Desalintion Plant: Operation and Maintenance Experience
Presented: 02/27/12
Seawater reverse osmosis (SWRO) desalination plants require complicated design, construction, and operation procedures because they generally involve various different systems such as intake, pretreatment, RO membranes, post-treatment, and brine outfall/management. Although several SWRO desalination plants have been constructed and operated in Sout...
Development of a diagnosis technique for assessing performance of seawater reverse osmosis membrane plants
Presented: 02/27/12
This paper describes a model that can be used to assess RO membrane performance using local hydraulic resistances and local fouling rates. The model links measured plant parameters with the internal characteristics of RO membranes and was calibrated using RO projection programs, operation data or literature data....