Presentations by Sophie Pease, PE
Matches: 2
Performance Testing of a 380 ML/d Retrofitted Membrane/UV Oxidation WTP
This article presents the results at the Lorne Park Water Treatment Plant (WTP) in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada of the performance testing that was conducted and lessons learned for future membrane performance testing. Once the Lorne Park WTP was fully commissioned, the membrane system had to be tested in accordance with the pre-selection documen...
A Simple Measurement of MBR Membrane Integrity That Goes Back to Basics
The difficulty in monitoring pathogen removal is a gap that has been identified in the adoption of Membrane Bioreactors for IPR/DPR. This paper presents a newly proposed method for the calculation of solids LRV across the MBR system. The new method relies on the widely used standard method for enumeration of total suspended solids with a modificati...