Presentations by Steve Troyer
Matches: 3
Direct Membrane Treatment Of Anaerobic High Iron And Manganese Groundwaters
Historically there has been an industry-wide perception that if a feedwater source contains dissolved metals they must be removed via oxidation and filtration prior to RO membrane treatment. The purpose of this paper is to provide data on evaluating the suitability of directly treating high iron and manganese feedwaters with membranes through the p...
North Liberty Water System Improvements
The presentation will cover the North Liberty water system and the commities need for expanding the treatment capacity and improving the water quality. It will include the pilot study that was completed in 2014 through the planning, design, construction, and start-up of the city's new 3.0 MGD nanofiltration treatment plant....
Membrane Design and Troubleshooting Basics RO/NF
The presentation will provide an introduction to nanofiltration and reverse osmosis. It will provide an overview of NF/RO membrane characterization, configuration, and applications. Basic principals of NF/RO will be discussed, including including retention, recovery, flux, concentration polarization, and operational parameters. It will also intr...