Presentations by Tiffany Miller
Matches: 3
Calcium Remineralization, Are There Limits?
The paper discusses work done for the City of Tarpon Springs, Florida Membrane Treatment Facilities and work done for the San Antonio Water System (SAWS) relative to augmentation of calcium in the finished water for stabilization and corrosion control. Extensive jar testing was performed for SAWS to determine the method and limits of calcium augmen...
Evaluating How Nanofiltration Stacks up to Other Non-Conventional Technologies for a Florida Surface Water AWS
An evaluation of treatment alternatives using the Judge Farms Reservoir as a source water was conducted to determine the technical and economical viabilities of a potable water treatment facility. Three (3) treatment train alternatives were investigated based on technologies suitable for surface water treatment with membrane technology being at the...
Evaluating How Nanofiltration Stacks up to Other Non-Conventional Technologies for a Florida Surface Water AWS
An evaluation of treatment alternatives using the Judge Farms Reservoir as a source water was conducted to determine the technical and economical viabilities of a potable water treatment facility. Three (3) treatment train alternatives were investigated based on technologies suitable for surface water treatment with membrane technology being at the...