Presentations by Tracey Long, PE
Matches: 3
6-mgd Low Pressure Membrane Expansion for Weatherford, Texas: Pilot Testing Through Start-Up
This paper will summarize the challenges and solutions faced during design and construction of the Weatherford, Texas Water Purification Plant microfiltration facility. Those challenges include limited space at the existing facility, and compatibility issues for operating the new membrane filtration process in parallel with the existing treatment ...
MF/UF Membrane Filtration System Construction Startup, Training and O&M Challenges
The information included in this presentation will explain the challenges operators will face with starting up a new membrane treatment facility, training staff and operating and maintaining a membrane facility regardless of membrane manufacturer. This presentation will share direct experiences based on personal experience and the experiences plant...
Has Your Membrane System Had A Tune Up Lately?
The first part of the presentation will discuss how to review membrane system performance by looking at historical trends, checking operating sequences to determine effectiveness and perform a close review of cleaning performance checking appropriate chemical dose/strength to identify operational changes. The goal is to improve overall efficiency a...