Presentations by William Dunivin
Matches: 2
Energy Recovery Devices, Membrane Flux Balancing and Net Energy Consumption For Recycled Water - A Full Scale Evaluation
At the Orange County Water Districts Groundwater Replenishment System, 6 - 5 mgd Reverse Osmosis units have been recently installed to provide an additional 30 mgd of treatment capacity. The units are configured in a 77:49:24 array with an Energy Recovery Device located between the first and second stage. The system was also designed with a bypass ...
Monitoring of RO Systems for Regulatory Compliance in Advanced Treatment Systems
The purpose of the paper is to discuss water quality monitoring practices that are associated with the operation of RO systems at Advanced Treated (aka Recycled) Water Facilities. Conventional regulatory approaches with regard to the use of surrogate indicators of operational performance (e.g., permeate conductivity, TOC) are affected by variations...