An evaluation of treatment alternatives using the Judge Farms Reservoir as a source water was conducted to determine the technical and economical viabilities of a potable water treatment facility. Three (3) treatment train alternatives were investigated based on technologies suitable for surface water treatment with membrane technology being at the forefront. Additional non-conventional technologies were investigated for comparison. The treatment trains that were selected for evaluation include: 1. Conventional pretreatment ? media filtration ? nanofiltration ? GST 2. Conventional pretreatment ? media filtration ? GAC contactors ? GST 3. Actiflo carb ? media filtration ? GST. This presentation will focus on how nanofiltration compares to the non-conventional technologies in terms of footprint, chemical requirements, overall expected water quality, and estimated capital and operational costs. Anoverview of the permitting and regulatory requirements, establishment of treatment capacity and basis of treatment technology selections will also be presented.
This presentation is available to AMTA Members only.
- Tiffany Miller
- Tetra Tech
- AMTA/AWWA Membrane Technology Conference, West Palm Beach, FL
- AMTA/AWWA Membrane Technology Conference
- 07/20/21
- Nanofiltration, non-conventional technologies, Florida
- 9710-DP2653