The Hamby WRF project is an important drought resilience planning project where indirect potable water reuse is being applied successfully. Execution of such a project comes with a variety of challenges and lessons learned. An important difference between this projects and others is the use of MBR in a potable reuse scheme. With the plant in operation for over two years, there is an extended data set to review performance of the unit operations and the impact of the unit operations in the flowsheet on each other. MBR-RO being one with limited data published to date. The facility also engaged in a study to understand the pathogen removal in the MBR system, another key research topic in the implementation of potable reuse projects.
This presentation is available to AMTA Members only.
- Joshua Berryhill, PE / Stephen Katz, PE / John Holton
- Hibbs & Todd / Suez Water Technologies & Solutions / City of Abilene
- AMTA/AWWA Membrane Technology Conference, West Palm Beach, FL
- Membrane Technology Conference (MTC18)
- 03/13/18
- MBR, Hamby WRF, Indirect Potable Water Reuse
- 9685-DP2072