Data generated from the City of San Diego Advanced Water Purification (AWP) demonstration project was used to support the City?s proposal for conditional regulatory approval and estimate of capital, operational and maintenance (O&M) costs of a potential full-scale project. The potential full-scale project would purify tertiary effluent from North City for indirect potable (IPR) reuse via surface water augmentation of the San Vicente Reservoir. A key focus of the testing program was the evaluation of the membrane system components of the overall AWP process. Following completion of the demonstration testing, the City obtained conditional regulatory approval for the potential full-scale project from the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) and Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) and the final project report (City of SanDiego, 2013) was unanimously adopted by the City Council in April, 2013.
This presentation is available to AMTA Members only.
- James DeCarolis, Jr., PE / Bill Pearce / Greg Wetterau, PE, BCEE
- Black & Veatch Corporation / City of San Diego / CDM Smith Inc.
- AWWA/AMTA Membrane Technology Conference, Las Vegas, NV
- AWWA/AMTA Membrane Technology Conference
- 03/10/14
- Water reuse, reverse osmosis, advanced water purification
- 9669-DP1408