Purification of surface water is challenging as a result of the numerous contaminants and the high variability of those contaminants in surface water. Seasonal variations and weather changes add to the complexity of designing step by step unit processes to address those fluctuations. Accordingly, traditional design approaches have incorporated the kitchen sink approach with extensive pre-treatment resulting in complex treatment trains. When conventional membrane technology is incorporated into these complex unit process trains, they have typically been installed at the end of the train to supply additional disinfection credits and reduce fine particulate. Significant disruptive advancements in ceramic membrane and process technology consisting of dynamic shock, Ultra-Coagulation and a 5th generation true ceramic membrane technology, has eliminated the need for all pre-treatment in surface water purification. Advanced Surface Water Purification without Advanced Complexity is a new paradigm in the drinking water industry. The ability of advanced ceramic membrane & process technology to operate continuously and generate drinking water that meets all MCLs in a one unit-operation significantly reduces OPEX, CAPEX and Complexity. Ultra-coagulation generates superior drinking water and reverts plants using chloramation to meet TTHM & HAA MCLs back to the use of free chlorine.
This presentation is available to AMTA Members only.
- Brian Butters
- Purifics Water Inc.
- AMTA Ceramic Membrane Webinar - Part 1, Online
- AMTA Ceramic Membranes Webinar Series
- 06/21/21
- Continuous Ultrafiltration, Ceramic Membrane, Surface Water to Potable
- 9610-DP2544