Deschutes Brewery, Inc (Deschutes), a large national craft brewery, evaluated emerging anaerobic technologies for pretreatment of process waste streams from its brewery in Bend, OR. Deschutes sought to identify the best feasible technology for recovering energy resources and decreasing the overall environmental footprint of its operation. Deschutes identified anaerobic membrane bioreactors (AnMBR) as a promising technology to resolve many of its current process waste treatment challenges and limitations at the brewery. Deschutes evaluated the effectiveness, reliability and robustness of both pressurized (Pentair) and submerged (Suez) anaerobic membrane bioreactor (AnMBR) technologies through an 8-month pilot study performed from July 2017 through February 2018. Each independent system was evaluated and optimized based upon the impacts bioreactor organic loading rate (OLR), mixed suspended solids concentration (MLSS)solids retention time (SRT) would have on membrane performance. In an effort to advance the applicability of AnMBR, traditional limits to variables such as flux rate in high TSS (X ? 15 g/l) applications, crossflow velocity (X ? 0.5 m/s), were exceeded during some phases of the pilot testing. Currently the brewery pre-treatment system includes separation of high and low chemical oxygen demand (COD) strength brewery waste. The low strength waste which is primarily rinse water with average COD of levels of 3,650 mg/L is discharged to the City of Bend sewer system after flow equalization and pH neutralization. The high strength waste which is primarily spent yeast, spent hops, and trub and has an average COD level of over 100,000 mg/L is transported to permitted land application sites within a 20-mile radius. The low strength process waste volume is generally less than 150,000 gallons per day (gpd) and the high strength process waste volume averages less than 30,000 gallons per day.
This presentation is available to AMTA Members only.
- Greg Wetterau
- CDM Smith
- AMTA/AWWA Membrane Technology Conference, West Palm Beach, FL
- AMTA/AWWA Membrane Technology Conference
- 07/20/21
- Anaerobic Membrane Bioreactors, cross-flow, Deschutes Brewery
- 9710-DP2668