This presentation will help owners and engineers understand the implications of several noneconomic factors that need to be considered when selecting among viable technical solutions for treating surface waters. Water demand projections indicated that the City of Broken Arrow (COBA) will need additional water supply from the Verdigris River (VR) to supplement their quota of purchased water. The original COBA Water Treatment facilities are over 45 years old with a variety of upgrades over the years, but it is not capable of consistently producing water in compliance with regulatory levels. Consequently, the existing water treatment plant is not utilized under normal operating conditions and needs to be replaced. A comprehensive treatability study was performed for COBA to treat water from the Verdigris River in a new 20-mgd water treatment facility. Based on the treatability study, three treatment alternatives were found capable of delivering water in compliance with the latest Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality (ODEQ) and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulatory mandates. After a detailed economic and non-economic analysis, membrane filtration was found to be the best solution to treat VR water when compared to conventional and high-rate conventional treatment alternatives.
This presentation is available to AMTA Members only.
- Adriano Vieira, PhD, PE / Roger Hughes, PE / Jimmy Helms / Mark Graves, PE / Joel Cantwell, PE
- HDR Engineering, Inc. / City of Broken Arrow
- AWWA/AMTA Membrane Technology Conference, Glendale, AZ
- AWWA/AMTA Membrane Technology Conference
- 02/27/12
- Non-Economical, Condiserations, Surface WTP
- 9658-DP1034