This paper illustrates the added value of a holistic approach that facilitates control over maintenance and operation of a very large number of membranes and RO modules, by highly skilled operators using self-developed protocols. The approach includes the reinvention of existing processes and tools, advanced monitoring and data management and analysis, efficient membrane replacement management, and preventive maintenance of membranes, to increase the value of the assets during the operational lifecycle. To illustrate the operation and maintenance challenges of a large desalination plant, we will present the Membrane Management program of the 53,000 RO membranes installed at the Hadera Desalination Plant in Israel. This plant, based on IDE’s proprietary Pressure Centre configuration, produces 127 MGD (480,000 m3/day) and has been operating since 2010. One of its key and unique features is its ability to operate with different production regimes, changing hourly/daily from 100% to 35% production, due to the existing electricity tariff regime. The presentation will focus on the analysis of membrane performance during 12 years of operation, and the fully-developed operation and maintenance protocol that enables membrane management without any adverse effects on plant availability.
This presentation is available to AMTA Members only.
- Yaron Egozy
- IDE Water Technologies
- AMTA/AWWA Membrane Technology Conference, Las Vegas
- AMTA/AWWA Membrane Technology Conference
- 02/22/22
- SWRO, Reverse Osmosis, Maintenance Protocol
- 9715-DP2891